La federazione delle aziende digitali

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CIFA Italia

Firmato da CIFA e Confsal il primo CCNL per l'ICT in Italia

Una novità assoluta sul territorio nazionale, i cui contenuti sono stati discussi e validati dagli esperti del Tavolo tecnico di confronto nazionale organizzato dal Centro studi InContra con Sapienza Università di Roma.

Un contratto collettivo per le aziende ICT italiane

Molte le novità, tra cui un nuovo sistema di classificazione "per competenze". L'inquadramento contrattuale, non più suddiviso in livelli ma in categorie professionali, recepisce le figure proposte dal sistema europeo e-CF e dall'Atlante del lavoro e delle qualificazioni, puntualmente integrate grazie all'Osservatorio permanente per la mappatura di competenze digitali, nuovi profili di ruolo e nuovi modelli organizzativi, istituito nell'ambito del Tavolo tecnico di confronto nazionale.

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This image for Image Layouts addon

Complete schedule & managment system

Watch our video to see how we collect, clean and deliver right to your doorstep – saving you hours of hassle Watch our video to see how we collect, clean and deliver right to your doorstep
– saving you hours of hassle
This image for Image Layouts addon

Complete schedule & managment system

Watch our video to see how we collect, clean and deliver right to your doorstep – saving you hours of hassle Watch our video to see how we collect, clean and deliver right to your doorstep
– saving you hours of hassle
This image for Image Layouts addon

Complete schedule & managment system

Watch our video to see how we collect, clean and deliver right to your doorstep – saving you hours of hassle Watch our video to see how we collect, clean and deliver right to your doorstep
– saving you hours of hassle

Don’t worry we got you best Pricing

Watch our video to see how we collect, clean and deliver right to your doorstep – saving you hours of hassle


  • It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.


  • It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.


  • It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.

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Watch our video to see how we collect, clean and deliver right to your doorstep – saving you hours of hassle

 Via Ludovisi 36 - 00187 Roma

 +39 06 5656 7157

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